IPPB UPI Service & Virtual Debit Cards Service Launching Soon || " FOR SMOOTH ROLLOUT CHECK THIS POINTS ON PRIORITY "

After the huge success of #Aadhaarenabledpaymentsystem services, 
 is gearing up to showcase future of payments for its customers. Coming soon the next phase of cashless revolution! #Aapkabankaapkedwaar #Bankingatlastmile #Indiafightscorona #DakPay #BeAssured


Dear All,

As you are aware, we have implemented few security controls in systems prior to rollout of our UPI Services and Virtual Debit Cards.

One of the controls implemented is restricting linkage of a Unique Mobile Number to only ONE Account.

This is CRITICAL for account security and protecting customers monies.

The restrictions have been implemented after extensive deliberations and consideration of various factors and it is IMPORTANT FOR THE BANK.

So requesting all to respect the decision and avoid requests for reconsideration.

There were many instances wherein end users had in the past registered their mobile number in customer’s account. This is NOT AN ACCEPTABLE BANKING PRACTICE and has inherent financial risk.

What Controls we have Implemented?

We have enforced a system check wherein If Any Agent/User tries to register his/her mobile number (already on records in Agent Management System) in any account (SBA/CA), the system will not allow that to be done.

What will be potential impact on Agents / DOP Staff / IPPB Staff?

a. If any agent/user who has opened an account with IPPB and has provided same mobile number for registration in his SBA/CA and also in AMS, his Mobile Banking Access may be restricted.

b. If in future Agent/User provides the same number as updated in AMS for registration in SBA/CA, it will not be allowed.

c. Many IPPB staff who are onboarded in AMS for Insurance and other services managed by them may be impacted.   

What have we done to address the above problem?

We have made exception to the rule/controls implemented for mobile number update to ensure uninterrupted mobile banking access.

a. All DOP Staff and IPPB Officials are supposed to open their accounts in specific scheme codes created for staff i.e. SBDOP & SBIPB.

b. System will allow same mobile number to be registered in AMS and in Finacle account provided if Finacle account is a SBDOP or a SBIPB “staff” account.

c. Mobile number registration as well as Mobile Banking access will not be disabled for such cases.   

Problem Statement and Action Required…….

Many DOP and IPPB staff have opened a normal saving account in SBREG scheme code. This has to be converted to staff account (SBDOP/SBIPB) using the scheme code conversion option available in CBS and MATM on an IMMEDIATE BASIS.

You are requested to take necessary actions on an urgent basis to ensure we have minimal impact on account operations and to ensure uninterrupted access to mobile banking for IPPB and DOP staff. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

This is an important activity and need to be done on a war footing. Circle Heads are requested to take lead and monitor the activities in your respective geography.

Best Regards,

Anuj Saraswat
Head Products & Strategic Alliance  
India Post Payments Bank


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