GL Integration 2.0 || CTS Cheque Clerance - FSI CSI GL Integration w.e.f 01.04.2020

Non-reconciliation of transactions in connection with CTS cheque clearences at Grid.

        This is regarding accumulation   of huge balances in RSAO and Bank clearing GLs in connection with CTS Cheque clearance transactions at Grid offices.  DAP, Chennai and DMCC Chennai has highlighted the following issues in CTS Cheque clearance at Grid.

·         Grid offices are parking the realized amount under  RSAO/POR GLs
·         In the light of integrated scenario of CSI-CBS, while posting transactions into respective customer’s accounts in Finacle, the transactions are hitting  Drawing from Bank GLs/Remittance to Bank GLs.

·         Hence both GLs are not nullified and having huge GL balances.

 In view of the above, a new 10 digit CSI GL  given below has been created  under the 15 digit DoP head 878200121010100-RSAO specially for Grid clearance Remittance in CSI with the approval of Sr. DDG(PAF) and same has been mapped in CSI-CBS post GL integration w.e.f. 1.4.2020.
    GL Code Debit- 4878200013

   GL Code Credit 8878200013

    15 digit DOP code 878200121010100

Therefore, all the grid offices are requested to  operate the above GL  w.e.f. 1.4.2020 as explained below for Grid clearance Remittance to various nodal  offices under their control for inward and outward clearance of cheques through Grid instead of POR and RSAO as in existing practice

Existing Entries:

Remittance to Bank Dr
Drawing from Bank Cr
POR/RSAO      Cr.
(If Remittance to bank is more than drawing from Bank Credit entry)
POR/RSAO      Dr
(If Remittance to bank is less than drawing from Bank Debit entry)

Modified entries w..e.f. 1.4.2020.

Remittance to Bank Clearing GL Dr
Drawing from Bank Clearing GL Cr

8878200013  Grid clearance Remiitance   Cr
(If Remittance to bank is more than drawing from Bank Credit entry)
8878200013  Grid clearance Remiitance   Dr
 (If Remittance to bank is less than drawing from Bank Debit entry)

With regards,
PAF wing DTE.


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