Goverment of India to Issue Sovereign Gold Bonds W.e.f. 26th November,2015 Bonds To Be Sold Through All Head Post Offices in India In continuation of the Press Communiqué dated 30th October, 2015 on Sovereign Gold Bond 2015-16, the Government of India, in consultation with Department of Post, has decided to issue the list of designated Post Offices to issue Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, 2015. The designated Post Offices are authorized to receive the applications either directly or through agents. Government of India, in consultation with Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has decided to issue Sovereign Gold Bonds. The Bonds will be issued on November 26, 2015. Applications for the bond will be accepted from November 05, 2015 to November 20, 2015. The Bonds will be sold through banks and designated post offices as may be notified. The borrowing through issuance of the Bond will form part of market borrowing programme of Government of India. It may be recalled th...