
Showing posts from November, 2011

RNet communciation Error : "The channel " http is not registered with remoting services"

Solution : Do the following steps to rectify this problem 1. Go to the folder C:\windows\System32\drivers\etc ( if you have installed windows on D partition then the path will be like D:\windows\System32\drivers\etc) 2. Open the file “Hosts” file using notepad 3. There will be an entry like the following inside the hosts file localhost Add one more entry below.


iCODE Management System Pvt. Ltd, for better employment opportunities, has come up with a unique concept of bridging the gap between employer and employee by introducing e-Employment exchange through web portal which will be available globally for candidates by paying one time nominal cost of Rs.300/- in lieu of purchasing of iCODECARD by candidates through retail post counters For More Details Visit :

Decisions on the recommendations of the Committee for Comprehensive Review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF).

The Thirteenth Finance Commission in its Report had, inter alia, recommended that all aspects of the design and administration of the NSSF be examined with the aim of bringing transparency, market linked rates and other much needed reforms to the scheme. As a follow up of this recommendation, the Government had constituted a Committee on 8 th   July, 2010, headed by Smt. Shyamala Gopinath, the then Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India for comprehensive review of NSSF. The terms of reference of the Committee included review of the existing parameters for the small saving schemes in operation and recommend mechanisms to make them more flexible and market linked; review of the existing terms of the loans extended from the NSSF to the Centre and States and recommend on the changes required in the arrangement of lending the net collection of small savings to Centre and States; review of other possible investment opportunities for the net collections from small savings and the repaym...